"As a mama of a newborn and toddler, one day of having Hari Bans around - to hang with our toddler, help with washing, receive nourishing food and doing all those tiny niggly jobs I don't find time to get around to - calmed my nervous system, gave my partner space to work on his project and eased the load for the entire week. I didn't realise how good it feels to say YES to receiving."
(Hannah, Far North NZ)
Helpful Hands
Would you love a little bit of support around the house? Or maybe there’s a cupboard that you really want to organise, but you just can’t face doing it on your own? Or maybe you would just love someone to do that job for you. I offer a variety of helpful services.
I’ve seen for myself what receiving this kind of support feels like and feel it’s a gift to offer it to others.
For the majority of time raising children, I lived away from family and although I was generally blessed to have good communities of friends around me, they also had their own lives and there were some things I just wouldn't ask of them!! So, that's why I'm here offering this service!!
We can't all live in communities for lots of reasons so allow that COMMUNITY SUPPORT AND NOURISHMENT TO COME TO YOU.
For a long time, my focus was on the WE, finally I feel I've got a stronger foundation for the ME. We all know we can't give what we don't have! So let me give you the support and nourishment and maybe hands on help which will give you the freedom to give back to yourself and build your stronger foundation.
If you're inspired and would love to set up a Helpful Hands Service in your area please do get in touch, I would love to expand the scope of this project and grow a community of helpful hands. I offer training and support to get going and as we grow I will create a directory here.