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Finding our way home to the heart of ourselves.
Embracing change, opening to the unknown, being authentic in adversity, activating our heavenly roots, remembering our wholiness. 

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As we go through life, we weave our own unique tapestry.  Patterns are imprinted within us.  Some patterns go out of fashion, a signal that it's time to create anew.  Fancy a remodel?!  

Whether you are embarking on a journey of change chosen by you or chosen for you I offer a variety of services to fill your cup, to support and guide you as you travel and to help you feel more at ease as you feel the comfortable and uncomfortable aspects of the transition and step into the unknown!

Loves Eternal Embrace offers a range of modalities from reiki healing to numerology readings, from kundalini yoga to akashic records readings and so much more.  All these tools help us to come into alignment, better know and understand ourselves and the journey we are on.


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Join us as we get real with our heavenly roots, grounding our essence into our human experience.  Includes meditations, messages, discounted courses and an opportunity to share who you are with us all too!

Thanks for joining us, we look forward to getting to know all of you more!


Hari Bans Kaur 

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I was born Katy Ruth Crowson in March 1978 in Loughborough, England.  I have a younger brother and sister.  My parents split up when I was 7, my dad left my Mum for another woman, my Mum then got together with the new woman’s ex-husband, so life was complicated and confusing at times.  On the upside I gained a wonderful second Dad once I’d got over the hate phase!  The ending of a nine-year relationship in 2005 was the catalyst I needed to get me to finally see how my childhood experiences were impacting on my adult relationships. 

It began a journey of self-healing and a rediscovery of myself.  I returned to doing things I loved and discovered new things I loved!  I dived deep into spiritual practices and modalities, for a long time I had a two-and-a-half-hour daily practice which included an hour of singing and a cold shower before.  I enjoyed a brief romantic liaison cut short by an arranged marriage.  And then I met my now ex-husband at a white tantra yoga event! 

That relationship lasted 16 years; my healing journey continued, we moved house 9 times, including 4 moves abroad, I chose to have an abortion, birthed two children, lost my second Dad to leukaemia and my Mum to dementia and then a blood clot.  I created community connections and groups in all the places I lived, some more successfully than others!  I worked in a museum, ran English classes, had an avocado ice cream business and shared some of the technologies you'll find on this site along the way!!  It's been fun and challenging!!  And yes, the book is in the works!!  


I have lived the ups and the downs, and all the moments in between.  So, this website is a culmination of all those moments, the lessons I've learnt from my lived experiences.  It is based on services I wish I could have accessed at different points and on things I didn't realise I needed at the time!

It is my intention that these services allow us all to remember that we have heavenly roots and that we are capable of so much more than we believe.  It is my intention to help create in all of us stronger inner and outer foundational structures and to bring us together as a community of sages so that our legacies of lived experiences can continue to find their way out into the world.

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